
“Best-of-breed organisations and developers we feel best to deal with”

  • Affiliates are business partners that we have a monetary arrangement with; and
  • Sales that we generate for them may contribute to one of our income streams

We’re picky with whom we associate…

Getting a free ride on someone’s products or services isn’t something new. It can even be big money, and that can lead to a referrer crossing the line. Line, whose line? and yeah, that’s another thing. Do you roll with ‘one’s misfortune is another’s gain’ ? Or go with ‘what’s right for me, should be right for others’ ?

We aim to provide you with goods, not garbage…

Not long ago, I came across a service provider offering up to (yeah, I know…) $1,000’s for WordPress site referrals. Well, the first thing I wondered was that if their margins are that big, how can they offer a decent ROI to their customer? The second was with that being the first thing on their ‘partner program’ page, I wondered what sort of suckers they were looking for! Then I moved on. So…

So we only affiliate with those we feel at ease with, that our investigations indicate they provide quality products, good service and as much as can be expected* hassle-free.

How do you undo this*Yeah, that’s a caveat!
Someone I’ve known for 60 years recently asked me to help with a USB drive. It turned out that if one took the cap off, it was quite easy to use.

So I’ll not promise you won’t have a hassle with anything I recommend, kapish?


I was raised a martial artist, and practice bushido. Close to my heart are the Eight Precepts ¹ ² of rectitude [gi, ], courage [, ], benevolence [jin, ], respect [rei, ], honesty [makoto, 誠], honor [meiyo,名誉], loyalty [chūgi, 忠義] and self-control/character [jisei, 自制]. I’m still working on the associated virtues of  filial piety [kō, ], wisdom [chi, ] and fraternity [tei, ] :-).

And this means …?

Well, apart from not messing with me haha, it shares a bit of me, the person who’s site you’re on and considering doing business with, or learning from. Best regards…

Mark Martin
Salaam aliakum / shalom aleichem, dozo yoroshiku, namistae and g’day!
(peace to you, a good beginning, I bow to you and wish you a good day).